Attendance and business transacted at meetings shall be recorded in minutes. The Coordinator or Chair of the meeting may not vote initially but may subsequently exercise a casting vote. Motions shall be carried by a majority of votes cast, except on a motion to amend the constitution or wind up the Group, which must obtain a two thirds majority of votes cast.
Once a year an Annual General Meeting shall be held in the autumn for the purposes of:
An Extraordinary General Meeting on a particular agenda may be called by the Coordinator and shall be called on the written request of at least 7 members. Notice given of the AGM or EGM together with the agenda shall be given at least 21 days prior to the Meeting and any motions for consideration shall be submitted to a member of the Executive Committee at least 14 days prior to the Meeting. The quorum of an AGM or EGM shall be 3 members and all members may attend. Any amendments to the constitution shall not come into effect without written consent from the Executive Committee of Transport 2000 Limited.